Saturday, December 19, 2009

"Making Room for God": Reflection for Sunday, Dec 20, 2009; 4th Sunday in Advent

Today's Scripture can be read at : Micah 5: 1-4; Hebrews 10: 5-10; Luke 1: 39-45

Making Room for God

How easy it is to fill both the visible and invisible areas of our lives with possessions and activities that occupy every available space! Our lives can become so filled, that there is no space available for a quiet moment. At times all the activity can leave us feeling frantic and even without joy; even the thought of an empty space can create a sense of unrest.

We need God’s Word today to remind us not only that God has been with each of us through our life journey, but also that God continues to dwell with us, here and now, in the midst of our lives, as in Bethlehem (Micah).

We need God’s Word to remind us that God calls each of us to a personal relationship. Like Mary, we need to make room in our lives so that God’s life can grow within us (Luke).

In the way that we live, in the way that we show our values and priorities, in the ways that we use our time, talent, and treasure, we let God’s presence grow in our lives. As we make more room in our lives for God, we become what God invites us to be: a home for God.

To think about:
How will I let the peace and hope of this season touch my life and my family’s life?
How will I try to remember that God is with me, and with all people, in the midst of daily life? Can I accept my own inadequacies and those of others with an awareness of God’s loving presence?

To do: Be aware of God’s presence in yourself and in those you meet.
Notice gifts of love, joy, and appreciation.
Let Christmas songs during the week become a prayer for all people.

To pray: “ Be born in our lives, we pray.”

Next: Celebration of the Birth of Jesus

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