Saturday, December 26, 2009

What's this "Holy Family" Stuff? Reflection for the Feast of the Holy Family, December 27, 2009

The Holy Family: Today's Scripture: Sirach 3: 2-6, 12- 14 or 1Samuel 1: 20-28 ; Colossians 3: 12-21 or 1 John 3: 1-2, 21-24; Luke 2: 41-52 can be read at

“Seeing Family Life As Holy - Warts and All”

As the above title from a past Catholic Update reminds us, the very title of today’s feast, “the Holy Family,” is, for many, an oxymoron. It is a title that can certainly evoke many sentiments, ranging from disbelief and laughter to anger and regret. “Oh yes”, we think, “that title refers to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. But it certainly doesn’t refer to my family -especially after the Christmas celebrations!” Yes, somehow we picture that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph really did have halos! After all, Jesus was God- what more would anyone want???

Yet God’s Word reminds us today that a holy family is not a picture-perfect, halo-wearing family. Real life does involve relationships that grow, evolve, and change (1 Samuel, Luke).

As we begin a new year God's Word can encourage and strengthen us with the renewed awareness that real family life needs effort and work.

Remembering that God is present in the midst of all the reality can make a difference! (Colossians).

To think about:
Do I try to accept myself and the members of my family as people loved by God?
Do I ask God to help me grow in compassion, kindness, patience, and forgiveness?
Where do I look for values for family life?
Do I have unreal expectations of what family life can be?
Do I show that family life is a priority for me in the way I use my time and energy?

To do: Set realistic goals for the new year with other family members.
Make gratitude and thanks part of daily life by noticing your blessings and thanking God.
Ask God to help you see yourself and your family members as God sees them.
Take time to access good family life sites such as,, or the marriage site for good ideas on family life.
Find ways to make God and the church community part of your family life, especially by joining activities with other families.

To pray: “I will hold your people in my heart.”

Next week: Epiphany of the Lord: Isaiah 60: 1-6; Ephesians 3: 1-6; Matthew 2: 1-12

Saturday, December 19, 2009

"Making Room for God": Reflection for Sunday, Dec 20, 2009; 4th Sunday in Advent

Today's Scripture can be read at : Micah 5: 1-4; Hebrews 10: 5-10; Luke 1: 39-45

Making Room for God

How easy it is to fill both the visible and invisible areas of our lives with possessions and activities that occupy every available space! Our lives can become so filled, that there is no space available for a quiet moment. At times all the activity can leave us feeling frantic and even without joy; even the thought of an empty space can create a sense of unrest.

We need God’s Word today to remind us not only that God has been with each of us through our life journey, but also that God continues to dwell with us, here and now, in the midst of our lives, as in Bethlehem (Micah).

We need God’s Word to remind us that God calls each of us to a personal relationship. Like Mary, we need to make room in our lives so that God’s life can grow within us (Luke).

In the way that we live, in the way that we show our values and priorities, in the ways that we use our time, talent, and treasure, we let God’s presence grow in our lives. As we make more room in our lives for God, we become what God invites us to be: a home for God.

To think about:
How will I let the peace and hope of this season touch my life and my family’s life?
How will I try to remember that God is with me, and with all people, in the midst of daily life? Can I accept my own inadequacies and those of others with an awareness of God’s loving presence?

To do: Be aware of God’s presence in yourself and in those you meet.
Notice gifts of love, joy, and appreciation.
Let Christmas songs during the week become a prayer for all people.

To pray: “ Be born in our lives, we pray.”

Next: Celebration of the Birth of Jesus

Saturday, December 12, 2009

"Unwrapping the Gift of Joy": Reflection for December 13, 2009- 3rd Sunday of Advent

"Unwrappng the Gift of Joy" Reflection for 3rd Sunday of Advent
Today's Scripture : Zephaniah 3: 14-20; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3: 7-18 can be read at

Sometimes joy and good news seem like forgotten parts of life; we can be inundated with bad news on the local, national, and international levels, and finding moments of joy can seem like another task.
Joy can almost seem like a flower that is stepped upon - like a small, fragile creation that lasts for a short time.
In addition, sorrows, difficulties, and pressures can often seem magnified at this time of year because of the emphasis on "forced" or "obligatory" rejoicing and celebrating that surround us.
God’s Word today reminds us that true and lasting joy is a gift that is integral to our relationship with God and with others!(Zephaniah, Philippians)
Even in the midst of sorrows, a small glimmer of light and joy can shine.
Joy is really a gift that “keeps on giving”.
By the way we live and the decisions we make we, in turn, can be a source of joy for others (Luke).

To think about: Where do I and my family find joy?
Do I notice moments of joy in daily life?
Do I fill my life and my family’s life with reasons for joy or with reasons for anxiety?
Is joy part of my relationship with God?
Do I thank God for the many gifts in my life?
How do I and my family try to bring joy to others?

To do: Take time either alone or with others to remember moments of joy. As you remember those moments, enjoy the smile that comes to your heart and to your face!
Notice moments of joy in your life now.
Continue to bring joy to others by the way that you use your time, talent, and treasure.
When you light your Advent wreath, thank God for someone who has brought joy into your life.

To pray: “Rejoice in the Lord always…”

Next week: 4th Sunday of Advent: Micah 5: 2-5; Hebrews 10: 5-10; Luke 1: 39-55

Friday, December 4, 2009

"Change Is In the Air": Reflection for December 6, 2009, 2nd Sunday of Advent:

2nd Sunday of Advent: Baruch 5: 1-9; Philippians 1: 4-11; Luke 3: 1-6
Today's Scripture can be read at

All of us have probably seen the changes that construction brings, including varied landscape alterations and surprising detours that precede the arrival of new roads. Anticipation can build as preparations unfold for these new developments.
As we begin this second week of our Advent season, a mood of preparation and anticipation pervades God’s Word.
God is building something new; with the announcement of an impending arrival, a sense of change is in the air! (Baruch, Luke)
Each of us can help prepare for this special time by the way we live.(Philippians)
God's Word today can both strengthen and renew us as we remember our calling to make a difference in our world.

To think about: Do I believe that God can make a difference in my life?
Do I think of myself as a herald or announcer of God’s presence through the way I live?
Do I try to bring Jesus’ values to my daily life at home, in school, at work?
What are some of the “mountains, hills or valleys” that keep God’s presence from being part of my everyday life?
Am I seeking ways to make some of “the rough places” of life into “a smooth path” for others by the way I use my time, talent and treasure?

To do:
If you really don’t need to shop one day, do something to help new life grow:
be more patient, turn off TV and take some quiet time, look for blessings where you usually don’t see any.
Refusing to forgive can be a “mountain” in our lives; ask God to help you forgive someone toward whom you may still hold a grudge.
Pray for each person for whom you write a card or wrap a gift.
Use small moments to thank God for your own gifts and blessings.
Express appreciation to others.
Let Christmas lights and music be reminders of God’s presence in your life and in your family’s life.

To pray: Hear God saying to you, “You are my messenger; prepare my way.”

Next week: 3rd Sunday of Advent: Zephaniah 3: 14-20; Philippians 4: 4-7; Luke 3: 7-18