Friday, December 4, 2009

"Change Is In the Air": Reflection for December 6, 2009, 2nd Sunday of Advent:

2nd Sunday of Advent: Baruch 5: 1-9; Philippians 1: 4-11; Luke 3: 1-6
Today's Scripture can be read at

All of us have probably seen the changes that construction brings, including varied landscape alterations and surprising detours that precede the arrival of new roads. Anticipation can build as preparations unfold for these new developments.
As we begin this second week of our Advent season, a mood of preparation and anticipation pervades God’s Word.
God is building something new; with the announcement of an impending arrival, a sense of change is in the air! (Baruch, Luke)
Each of us can help prepare for this special time by the way we live.(Philippians)
God's Word today can both strengthen and renew us as we remember our calling to make a difference in our world.

To think about: Do I believe that God can make a difference in my life?
Do I think of myself as a herald or announcer of God’s presence through the way I live?
Do I try to bring Jesus’ values to my daily life at home, in school, at work?
What are some of the “mountains, hills or valleys” that keep God’s presence from being part of my everyday life?
Am I seeking ways to make some of “the rough places” of life into “a smooth path” for others by the way I use my time, talent and treasure?

To do:
If you really don’t need to shop one day, do something to help new life grow:
be more patient, turn off TV and take some quiet time, look for blessings where you usually don’t see any.
Refusing to forgive can be a “mountain” in our lives; ask God to help you forgive someone toward whom you may still hold a grudge.
Pray for each person for whom you write a card or wrap a gift.
Use small moments to thank God for your own gifts and blessings.
Express appreciation to others.
Let Christmas lights and music be reminders of God’s presence in your life and in your family’s life.

To pray: Hear God saying to you, “You are my messenger; prepare my way.”

Next week: 3rd Sunday of Advent: Zephaniah 3: 14-20; Philippians 4: 4-7; Luke 3: 7-18

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