Friday, July 31, 2009

Simplifying Unwillingly Reflection for August 2, 2009 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Simplifying Willingly or Unwillingly: Exodus 16: 2-15; Ephesians 4: 20-24; John 6: 24-35

Scripture can be found at

In the past year or two many people have faced obstacles and challenges that they had not anticipated. As the economic downturn touched more people and impacted family life, people were forced to make changes in many areas of their lives. This necessity to choose, to do without, or to find alternatives even opened some people's eyes to the differences between "need" and "want". As people simplified, many began to see that some accustomed areas of their lives were not really helpful or necessary. Somehow many simple elements of life became more important!
God's Word today reminds us of this aspect of human nature. The grumbling of the Israelites (Exodus) might sound a bit like us when things don't go as we had anticipated. Yet, as God's Word today reminds us, we do have many blessings in our lives.
This awareness of our everyday blessings can have a transforming effect (Ephesians), that helps us be more aware of the gifts that we already have. Indeed, an "attitude of gratitude" even makes a difference physically! Transformation can occur in many ways!
As we realize that we do have many blessings, we too will be more satisfied (John). In turn, we can even become a blessing to others!

To think about:
What is my usual reaction when things don't go my way?
Do I usually look for "more" and thus miss seeing the gifts in my life?
Have I tried developing an "attitude of gratitude" mindset?
Will simplifying some area of my life help me be more satisfied?

To do:
Try the "Gratitude Attitude" a few times a day.
Involve your family in making choices that affect them. For instance, children can learn to help with meals instead of going to a restaurant.
Commend your child when (s)he finds new ways to reuse instead of buying new.
Go through those closets and figure out what cloting combinatins can be reworked instead of buying more.
Try using some saved money to help those who do not have life's essentials.

To pray: Hear Jesus saying to you, "I am Bread for your life." (John)

Next week: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1Kings 19: 4-8; Ephesians 4: 30 - 5:2; John 6: 41-51

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