Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Little Goes A Long Way: Reflection for July 26, 2009: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time:

2Kings 4:42-44; Ephesians 4:1-6; John 6:1-15
Scripture for today can be found at

A Little Goes a Long Way

Have you ever faced a task that initially seemed insurmountable and overwhelming? Perhaps it was a “personal improvement project”, or a task at home, school or work. As almost everyone who has faced a situation like this may have learned, one helpful hint is to use small steps, and to concentrate on one area at a time. Although the improvement or change may not be noticeable at first, small, incremental changes begin to add up. One day we do notice a change!

Nature shows us many examples of this “small difference”. New streams or brooks develop, land erodes or increases, and amazing changes occur in rock formations when a few drops of water hit the surface of that rock for many years.

Relationships and behaviors can follow the same pattern. Small changes can make a difference.

How well God’s Word today reminds us of the change that God can make in our lives when we bring even our small efforts to God and try to help others (Kings, John). Like the young boy's few barley loaves or small fish, our contribution might seem quite insignificant. Perhaps the change that we hope to see in ourselves or in our world even seems out of reach (Ephesians).

God’s Word today can encourage us to continue our small, seemingly insignificant, efforts in our daily life, knowing that God can make a difference with our small efforts!

To think about:
Do I look for the results of my actions, or am I willing to contribute to the larger good without fanfare and notice?
Do I refuse to become involved in some efforts that try to make a difference because the problem is just too big or overwhelming?
Do I express appreciation for small gestures of kindness, love, and caring (Ephesians)?
Do I take time to notice my blessings, my family’s blessings?
Do I share my blessings and giftedness with others?
Do I notice giftedness in others, or do I usually feel threatened by another’s giftedness?

To do:
Take the first step in a project that seems overwhelming and develop a plan to take a step each day.
Express appreciation for small gestures of kindness, care, and love that you receive.
Notice your child’s efforts to co-operate, share, or be patient.
Thank God for your many blessings, especially noting small, usually unnoticed blessings.
Give money that you would spend on a new item of clothing, extra entertainment, or another restaurant meal to an organization that provides necessities of food, water, or housing for others.
Be more aware of the food you and your family eat, noticing taste, color, and fragrance.

To pray: “One bread, one body…And we, though many, throughout the earth, we are one body in this one Lord”

Next week: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Exodus 16: 2-15; Ephesians 4: 17-24; John 24-35

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