Friday, August 7, 2009

Pauses That Refresh and Renew: Reflection for August 9, 2009

Pauses That Refresh and Renew: Reflection for 19TH Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1Kings 19:4-8; Ephesians 4:30-5:2; John 6: 41-51

Scripture can be found at

We may all have had times when it seemed that there was no time for rest because of situations in our lives. In addition to the actual time involved at these times, most of us probably carried the situation into the rest of our lives too. The burdens then became even heavier!

In reflecting on God's Word for today, I thought of the importance of taking time to find daily "R&R". The Elijah story certainly can "hit home" for many who have experienced difficulties. We may even have said as Elijah did, "This is enough, O Lord". We feel that we cannot continue on our own.

In fact, at these times we may experence the very same draining emotions that are mentioned in Ephesians: "bitterness, fury, anger, shouting."

Jesus reminds us of the importance of believing in God's Presence with us, the Bread of Life(John). This belief can make a difference in our daily lives, helping us move through difficulites to a renewed vision of a situation and strengthening us to continue our life's walk. As we are strengthened and renewed, we can then reach out to others who are experiencing difficulties in their own journey.

To Think About: Do I increase the size of my burdens by continuing to talk about them, worry about them, or remember them?
Have I tried to turn over my burdens to God - not just once a day, but whenever they surface? Do I try to find moments of peace and connection to God by breathing slowly and by remembering that I am not alone?
Do I encourage my child to find ways to deal with problems in practical ways?
Do I remember to affirm my own efforts to move toward greater awareness as I change my attitude or behavior?
Have I ever noticed the difference that a "Thank You" or a word of appreciation can make in
helping strengthen someone or dispel some "bitterness, anger, fury, shouting"?
Do I "taste and see the goodness of the Lord" (Psalm 34:1) in my daily life? Can it make a difference if I do "taste and see"?

To Do: Notice something good every day and then see how often you can notice something good in yourself, in another, in the world. This one action can make a difference in our awareness and in our behavior.

To Pray: "Taste and see the goodness of the Lord".

Next Week: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Proverbs 9: 1-6; Ephesians 5: 15-20; John 6: 51-58

A Note from Lucille: I have reflections that I've compiled over the years that I had planned to edit for use on this blog. However, I seem to have lost the file when our computer died. I hope I find it soon!

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