Friday, April 16, 2010

"What Do You See?"; Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of the Easter Season, April 18, 2010

"What Do You See?" 3rd Sunday of the Easter Season

Today's Scripture: Acts of the Apostles 5: 27-41; Revelation 5: 11-14; John 21: 1-19 can be read at

People, even when looking at the same object, can see and notice different things. Proximity to an object, familiarity and even special interest can all make a difference in one’s perception.

Since people seem to become more aware of the beauty of the earth at this time of year, perhaps looking at God’s Word today through a lens of environmental awareness can give us new insights.

A view of “everything in the universe; every creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth and in the sea” praising God (Revelation) can certainly affect the way that we view our environment.
And today as we hear the story of the disciples’ catching a full net of fish and then eating the freshly-caught fish for breakfast (John), we may almost be in awe of this event. The story certainly gives a vivid picture of an activity that many people would enjoy in this present day! Unfortunately, this is also an activity that many people cannot enjoy because of environmental pollution.

As Sister Joyce Rupp reminds us, "We can be nourished by a moment of wonder and beauty and be fed by God’s creation." (see

God's Word strongly reminds us to live with respect for our created universe. As the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins reminds us, “the world is charged with the grandeur of God”.

To think about: Do I treat creation as God’s gift, handling it with care?
Do I “put my money where my mouth is” by buying products that do not deplete natural resources or contain excessive non-recyclable materials?
Do I try to recycle whatever I can, realizing that natural resources are limited?
Do I avoid unnecessary pesticides that contaminate ground water?
If I caught some fish, would I be able to eat them with Jesus, or have I kept quiet while local waters and air have become polluted?
Do I encourage efforts to help environmental awareness?

To do: Go take a hike or at least a walk, and just enjoy the beauties of creation.
Or go fly a kite and have some fun outdoors!
How about watching a nature program? You may be in awe of the wonders of creation.
Put your reflections into action, realizing that creation is a gift from God.
Commend your children when they show concern for the environment.
Find a local environmental event and get involved in it.

To pray: See how many times each day you can notice the wonders of creation and say “How great You are!” to the Creator of this beauty.

Next week: 4th Sunday of the Easter Season: Acts of the Apostles 13: 43-52; Revelation 7: 14-17; John 10: 27-30

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