Friday, April 23, 2010

"Signs of Life All Around Us": Reflection for the 4th Sunday of the Easter Season, April 25, 2010

"Signs of Life All Around Us": Reflection for the 4th Sunday of the Easter Season.
Today's Scripture: Acts of the Apostles 13: 43-52; Revelation 7:14-17; John 10: 27-30 can be read at

Signs of new life can continue to flourish and amaze us if we take time to notice. Availability of water and light encourages this abundance of renewed life in nature. Often as the hours of light increase, we even feel our own spirits lighten!

God’s Word today reminds us that God’s life-in-us calls us to help life flourish in our world. Our Easter renewal of our Baptismal commitment reminds us that we have been lead to “springs of life-giving water” (Revelation).
In turn, we are called to respond with renewed awareness to this gift by the way that we live.

Like the Good Shepherd in today's Gospel reading (John), we bring life to our world in many ways.
God's Word “I have made you a light” (Acts) reminds each of us of our personal call to make a difference.

To think about: Do I ever think about God’s life within me as alive and growing?
Do I have life-giving images of God?
Does my life show that I believe in God as the God of life?
Do I let God’s presence influence the way I treat others, listen to them, help them, console them, or take care of them?
Do I bring my awareness of renewed life to environmental issues?

To do: Be aware of the ways you and members of your family help bring God’s life and light to your world in the simple, everyday things you do, including the ways that you make environmentally based decisions.
Decide on one area of your life where you see a need for God’s life to grow, and be attentive to the person in that situation during the week.
Pray for children who are celebrating First Eucharist at this time of year, that they will see Jesus as a Giver of Life, a Shepherd who knows and cares about each person.
Enjoy the life and energy of young people when you are with them.

To pray: Hear God say to you, “I have made you, (insert your own name), a light.” (Acts)

Next week: 5th Sunday of the Easter Season: Acts 14: 21-27; Revelation 21: 1-5; John 13: 31-35

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