Friday, February 5, 2010

"Change Is Always Possible": Reflection for Feb 7, 2010, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Scripture for today: Isaiah 6:1-8; 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11; Luke 5: 1-11 can be found at

Change is Always Possible

People sometimes claim that they cannot change because, according to them, “that’s the way I am!”
And sometimes we are reluctant to give another the benefit of the doubt because that person says or does something that is not within their usual mode of behavior; we think that someone else cannot change.
Yet God’s Word so clearly tells us today that change and growth are possible. In fact, as God’s Word vividly shows, not only can people change; they can also do God’s work!

Special talents or a certain level of holiness are not requirements to do God’s work! Realizing our own inadequacies can even make room for God to work in our lives (Isaiah).
Sometimes we may feel like Peter, working all night long and catching no fish (Luke).
Yet, when we ask Jesus to help us with our “nets”, and realize that we can’t “do it alone”, when we can say “Here I am; send me”(Isaiah) even with our shortcomings, God can work through us.
Like Paul “the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle” we too can then rejoice because of God’s power, knowing that “by the grace of God I am what I am.”(Corinthians)

To think about:
Do I categorize people or think that some people, including myself, can never change?
Do I try to see goodness in others?
Have I ever moved out of my own “comfort zone” to do something I felt needed to be done?
Do I affirm talents and abilities in others?
Do I thank God for my own abilities and use these talents for the greater good?
Have I ever asked where God is calling me to use my talents and abilities?
Do I show my child how to use personal talents and abilites to help others?

To do: Say that word of comfort, praise or forgiveness that you don’t usually say.
Speak up in face of an unjust situation.
Affirm the small gesture or effort to make a difference.
Thank someone who uses time and talent to help others.
Put time into an activity that serves others; local opportunities abound!
Join with others who try to make a difference as part of national or international networks.

To pray: “Here I am, Lord…I will go, Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.”

Next week: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jeremiah 17: 5-10; 1 Corinthians 15: 12-20; Luke 6: 17-26

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