Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Seeing Goodness in Surprising Places": Reflection for September 27, 2009; 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Numbers 11: 25-29; James 5: 1-6; Mark: 9: 38-48
Today’s Scripture can be found at

We’ve probably all been surprised at one time or another with a response or an action that was “out of the ordinary”. An unexpected kindness, a generous offer, an unselfish act that we did not expect can startle us, especially when this is done by someone for whom we may not have had much regard. Seeing and acknowledging goodness where we did not expect it can actually even disturb us because we may have conditioned ourselves to expect a different action!

God’s Word today challenges us both to look beyond our own views of who we think is capable of goodness (James) and to acknowledge goodness in our world (Numbers, Mark).
When, in the reading from Numbers, we hear that two men who were not present for all the "rites" were prohesying because God's Spirit was speaking through them, we might be a bit surprised too!
And when we hear the disciples complaining to Jesus about the good actions of someone "outside the group", we quickly see what Jesus considers important.

This week I'll try to remember that God's Word challenges me to notice and affirm goodness wherever I see it! God's Spirit is alive!

To think about:
Do I stereotype people based on outward appearance, ethnicity, or other external factors?
Do I impute ulterior motives or belittle efforts made by some people?
Do I look for opportunities to “catch them doing good”, acknowledging and affirming goodness when I see it?

To do: Affirm your child’s efforts to help, co-operate, share, or establish a good habit.
Thank someone whose goodness touched your life.
Congratulate someone who has been acknowledged or honored.
Notice small gestures of kindness in your daily life.

To pray: “Open our eyes to the wonder of this moment…”

Next week: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Genesis 2: 18-24; Hebrews 1: 1-4, 2: 5-12; Mark 10: 2-16

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