Thursday, September 10, 2009

Say It or Do It? Reflection for September 13, 2009: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 50:5-9; James 2:14 -18; Mark 8: 27-35
Today’s Scripture can be found at http:/

Over the years I've found that sometimes the Word of God as found in the Sunday Scriptures can be hard to understand! There have been times when I've really had to ponder the Scripture to find a key that opened a door to give some insight for my life. But this week's Scripture speaks quite plainly and once again reminds us of that simple reality that "actions speak louder than words."

While words can and do have great impact, a person's action can undo volumes of words. Anyone who interacts with others knows this to be true. Words, like faith, may be wonderful, but as James reminds us in his letter, "faith without works is dead"!

However, putting faith into action is not easy! Many times we are inconvenienced or harried; sometimes we have to find the courage to stand for our convictions or beliefs. Certainly Jesus' comments as found in Mark remind us that putting our faith into action does involve denying ourselves. And Isaiah also reaffirms the difficulties that can be experienced when one tries to put faith into action.

While we cannot do this on our own, we can be strengthened by God's Presence as we continue to try to "put our money where our mouth is" and live our faith in everyday life.

To think about:
Do I often give advice and think about how others should be living?
Do I think of faith as a power- source for my life?
How willing am I to try to "be the change I want to see"?
In what specific relationship or life situation might I put faith into action this week?

To do:
Let faith touch the way that you use your time, talent or treasure this week through at least one action every day. Ask God to strengthen you so that you take this step gracefully! (You might even put a small mark on the calendar each day as you do this as a reminder of how you want to grow as a follower of Jesus!)
Live the behavior that you want to see in others in a relationship or a life situation.

To pray: "Make me a channel of your peace" can help us as we move from prayer to action.

Next week: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20; James 3: 16 - 4:3; Mark 9: 30-37

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