Friday, May 28, 2010

" How Do I Picture God?": Reflection for Trinity Sunday, May 30, 2010

Scripture for Trinity Sunday: Proverbs 8: 1-4, 22-31; Romans 5: 1-5; John 16: 12-15 can be read at

People have tried to define or explain God from earliest times. Yet all attempts at definition or explanation fall short of explaining the wonderfully great mystery of God!
The ways we envision God can affect our lives on a personal and a communal level.
God’s Word today presents images or glimpses of God that can speak to our lives:
God our Creator (Proverbs),
God our Companion (Romans),
God our Guide (John).
Realizing that the reality of God’s being extends into the world, we, in turn, are challenged to let these images of God touch our lives and make God’s presence real in our world.
As we help create opportunities for life and love to grow,
as we companion others in good times and in sad times,
as we help guide and direct others,
I think that we continue to make God’s presence alive in the world.

On this Memorial Day weekend we can also thank God as we remember the many men and women who have honorably served the cause of peace. Indeed, many of these fellow human beings sought to help people live in the freedom that the Creator designed.

To think about: Do I ever think of God’s delighting in me or delighting in others (Proverbs)? Am I so busy with my work, my responsibilities, and my expectations that I don’t take “down time” to notice beauty and wonder in the world around me, including the people in my life?
Has my image of God changed as I’ve grown and matured?
How do I relate to others whom I find difficult to love?

To do: Treat yourself to some “down time” to open your eyes to the wonders around you, and thank God, the Creator, for life and its many beauties.
Notice some of the people who touch your life, and thank God, our Companion, for their presence in your life.
Graciously give time, talent or treasure to someone who is experiencing difficulty of some kind and ask God, our Guide, to help you.
As you help create or sustain beauty and life, or as you interact with others this week, be aware of the ways that you continue God's work of creating and caring in your life.

To pray: “Thank you, Creator God…Companion God… Spirit of God in our hearts.”

Next week: Feast of the Body of Christ: Genesis 14: 18-20; 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26; Luke 9: 11-17

Friday, May 21, 2010

"Breath - A Sign of Life": Reflection for Pentecost, May 23,2010

Scripture for Pentecost: Acts of the Apostles 2: 1-11; 1Cor 12: 3-13; John 20; 19-23 can be read at

Breath – A Sign of Life

Breath is such a natural part of life that we often do not think of breathing until difficulty arises. Then we become conscious of the importance of breath and its significance. Basically, breath is a sign of life!
Today, 50 days (“pente”) after Easter, Christians celebrate God’s Breath, God’s Sign of Life that fills God’s people and brings us to a new level of life (Acts of the Apostles, Corinthians).
In fact, today is celebrated as the Birth Day of the Christian community, the Church.
Just as every living being needs breath to live, so God’s People need God’s Breath, God’s Spirit, to live. God’s Spirit is the Dynamic Force that brings the church to life!
So we rejoice today that God's Spirit is with us, while, at the sametime rememberng that God's Word calls us to make this Gift meaningful in our lives.

To think about: Whose spirit guides me? Whose spirit energizes, directs, or inspires me?
Do I think of God’s Spirit as vital and alive, dynamic as an Enlivening Breath, a rush of wind, an energizing fire?
If I think of God’s Spirit dwelling within me, how do I treat my body, my mind, my own spirit?
If I think of God’s Spirit dwelling within others, how do I treat others (John)?

To do: Take time, even two-minute “vacations”, to rest and revive your spirit.
Once in a while try to put aside anxiety, worry, or regret - none of which really help change situations, anyway- and be conscious of your own breathing.
Try to breathe deeply, picturing God's Peace entering you with each breath.
In the midst of busy situations, be aware of God’s presence as a Guiding Spirit.
Select one place or relationship where you see a need for God’s Spirit to be more alive, and along with praying for that place or relationship, try to change one way you interact there.
Become actively involved in a work that helps people realize their own dignity as children of God.

To pray: Pick an image of God’s Spirit presented in Scripture: breath, wind, fire, or water, and pray “Spirit of God, be like _____ in my life today.” It might open up new ways for you to relate to God!

Next week: Trinity Sunday: Proverbs 8: 1-4, 22-31; Romans 5: 1-5; John 16: 12-15

Friday, May 14, 2010

"What's Your Vision?": Reflection for May 16, 2010, the 7th Sunday of the Easter Season

Scripture for today, the 7th Sunday of the Easter Season: Acts of the Apostles 7: 55-60; Revelation 22: 12-20; John 17: 20-2 can be read at

What's Your Vision?

As personal experience, observing others, or continued learning may have taught, a vision or goal is very important. Having a vision or a goal can, consciously or unconsciously, affect our priorities, and, in turn, affect the ways we use our time, talent and treasure.

Although we may never be called upon to give our lives as a witness to Jesus as Stephen was called to do ( Acts of the Apostles), the way we envision and think about life touches ordinary, everyday choices as well as significant, life-changing ones.

As we may also know from experience, personal visions and goals call for periodic clarification and renewal. God’s Word today reminds us of the significance of one’s personal vision; this Word also challenges us to see how our visions and goals are touched by those of Jesus (John).

To think about: What influences my personal vision and goals?
What influences my family’s and my children’s visions and goals?
How do I define “success” and “achievement”?
Do I view people and circumstances in my life as Jesus views them?
How do I view people I consider my enemy?
Where do I need awareness of God’s presence to grow in my life?

To do: Take a few minutes each day (one or two minutes a few times a day can make a difference) to reflect on your blessings and gifts from God. Thank God for these blessings!
See the good that someone is doing and affirm those good words or actions.
Change your vision of consumerism by giving money to an organization that helps those in need instead of buying something you really don’t need. Let this be one way to show that your vision includes all people in the family of God.
Grow in living Stephen’s (Acts of the Apostles) and Jesus’ attitude of forgiveness: if there’s someone you’ve been unable to forgive, ask God to help you begin to want to forgive that person.
To pray: Picture Jesus blessing you as he says "May the love with which God has loved me be in you"(John) or “We are many parts, we are all one body” as a reminder of our connection to each other through God's Spirit.

Next week: Pentecost: God’s Spirit brings the church to life! Acts of the Apostles 2: 1-11; 1Corinthians 12: 3-13; John 20; 19-23

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Help for the Journey":Reflection for May 9, 2010, 6th Sunday of the Easter Season

"Help Along the Way": Reflection for the 6th Sunday of the Easter Season
Today's Scripture: Acts of the Apostles 15:22-29; Revelation 21: 10-14; John 14: 23-29 can be read at

Sometimes “where two or three are gathered”, difficulties, misunderstandings and disagreements can occur. Resolving these conflicts requires time, effort and willingness on the part of those involved. Sometimes a situation even calls for outside help.

God’s Word today reminds us that we have “outside help” available for our everyday lives; God’s Spirit is always with us (John).
And an awareness that even the early Christian community needed to work through dissensions (Acts) can help us as we face difficulties in our own lives.
As we let God’s Spirit teach us, our own way of dealing with life’s uncertainties and interactions can change. We can see life’s occurrences in a new light (Revelation).

Today, as we celebrate Mother’s Day, we can think of the many ways that our own mothers, as well as the people in our lives who have been like mothers to us, have put God’s Word into action in their own lives and have helped us realize our own giftedness and abilities as we walk our own life journey.

To think about: Where do I turn when I experience difficulties, misunderstandings and disagreements?
Do I usually expect “the other person” to change and agree with me?
Do I usually need to have things my way?
Have I ever tried a new way of approaching a relationship or interaction?
Have I ever asked God’s Spirit to teach me?
Who are my models for the way that I live my life and interact with others?
What am I teaching by the way I live?
Who has been a significant teacher in my life?

To do: Do one thing differently in the way you think, talk, or interact with one person or in one situation this week.
Ask God’s Holy Spirit to teach you a new way to do this- a way that will help bring true peace. Thank someone who has touched your life in some way, someone who has taught you an important “life lesson”.
Contact someone who has made a differnece in your life, especially someone who helped you see your own giftedness.

To pray: Visualize the situation or relationship that needs God’s Spirit as you pray, “Holy Spirit, you are welcome in this place.”

Next week: Either (depending on your diocese) the 7th Sunday of the Easter Season: Acts 7:55-60; Revelation 22: 12-20; John 17: 20 - 26 or Celebration of the Ascension: Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1: 17 -23; Luke 24: 46-53