Wednesday, June 17, 2009

An Anchor In the Midst of Life's Storms

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Job 38: 1-11; 2Corinthians 5: 14-17; Mark 4: 35-41

At one time or another we have all experienced difficult times. At such times we may have felt that life's storms were ready to swamp the boat of our lives. During these times we too may have experienced some of the same emotions that Jesus’ friends experienced; we too may have felt like we were almost perishing (Mark). Dread, anxiety and frantic activity may have beset us in the midst of these storms, and we may have even felt abandoned by God (Mark).

God's Word today reminds us that we are not alone as we continue to move our small ships through life's sometimes stormy seas; for, like the apostles in the boat, Jesus is right here with us. This life-giving Word, in turn, also challenges us to help others during their own difficult, stormy times.

This message can take of special meaning today as we honor fathers who have been "an anchor" during storms and have helped their children throughout life.

To Think About: How do I usually react to storms in my life; do I turn to God as a first or last resort? Who has helped me or my family during stormy, difficult times? How do I respond to someone who is experiencing a storm? What do I do to experience God's peace during the day? Am I "addicted" to news, conflicts, or problems that do not need to be in my life? Do I create unnecessary storms in my relationships because of my own unrealistic expectations? Do I prolong storms and difficulties by complaining but not doing anything?

To Do: Take time to remember ways that your father provided guidance (even when you might not have wanted it!) and ways that your father helped you through some storms in your life. Turn to God with thanksgiving each day so that you are aware of God's presence in your life. Picture yourself handing over your fear and worry to Jesus. Change a way of dealing with a situation that troubles you; ask help from someone you trust - and ask God's help and direction.

To Pray: Hear Jesus saying to you, "Peace….Why are you afraid?" Or pray "The Serenity Prayer": "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Next Week: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Wisdom 1: 13 - 15, 2: 23- 24; 2Corinthians 9: 13-15; Mark 5: 21-43

1 comment:

  1. Lucille, I am so happy to see that you have found a way to continue your weekly column! Isn't it funny (aka God wink!) that the first blog entry is about storms??? We know that the Lord has a plan for you and I am so happy that we get to share in your words of wisdom! Love you, Lillian xo
