Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Looking for a Guide?": Reflection for the Feast of the Assumption, August 15, 2010

Today's Scripture : Revelation 12: 1-6; 1 Corinthians 15: 20-27; Luke 1: 39-56 can be read at www.usccb.org/nab

When traveling to new or unfamiliar places, people often hire guides for the trip. Not only will a guide help a traveler reach the desired destination, a guide may also help with some the difficulties of the trip.
On life’s journey most people have looked to others at one time or another for some guidance or direction. Among the many guides along the way, Mary has, since early Christian times, been seen as one who can show us how to live with awareness of life’s destiny (1 Corinthians).
The Feast of Mary’s Assumption, established by Pope Pius XII in 1950, reaffirms that Mary is a guide for all who seek to live in relation to God and find meaningful ways to bring God’s Presence to others.
Mary can help us with the “dragons” in our lives (Revelation), the elements that cause us to forget our identity and our destiny.
In our everyday life, we too have the opportunity to make a difference through the ways that, like Mary, we use our time, talents and treasure (Luke).

To think about: In what direction is my life heading?
Are there some changes I need to make in order to remember my final destination? Who are some “guides”, models of lived faith, for me and for my family?
What are some of the “dragons” of today’s society that I think affect people’s lives?
How do I and my family try to make a difference with the reality of these “dragons”?
To whom have I tried to bring joy this week?
How do I, like Mary, work to help the poor or oppressed?

To do: Take some quiet time – even a few minutes- and evaluate the direction in which you see your life going. Then decide on one small change you can make to bring deeper awareness to your life.
Write your own Magnificat, your prayer of praise and thanks for all the blessings of your life. Take a stand against one of today’s “dragons”, especially those that affect the weak or powerless. Use your time, talent, or treasure with awareness of others.

To pray: “My spirit rejoices in God.”(Luke)

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